Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar r.e.view Podcast

Latest Episodes

Solar Town Hall – July 1: Creating a Diverse, Equitable, and Resilient Solar Industry
July 01, 2020

How can we truly live up to our promises to bring diversity to our industry and make solar energy and jobs accessible for all?

Town Hall: A Solar Shift? Mental Models for the New Normal
June 18, 2020

Out of pandemic disruptions, how can our solar industry break molds and embrace innovations in digitization and engagement?

Solar Town Hall: Closing Sales In a “Low Touch” World
June 04, 2020

Get expert tips and advice from solar sales and marketing experts, as well as from fellow solar contractors, on what's moving the sales needle in the these strange times.

Solar Town Hall: What Does “Reopening” Look Like for Solar Contractors?
May 13, 2020

As regions consider reopening, how do we keep crews safe, stay compliant, and build consumer confidence?

20 More PPP Questions Answered
April 30, 2020

I'm applying for, or received, my PPP funds. What do I do now?

COVID-19 Solar Town Hall #6
April 29, 2020

I'm applying for, or received, my PPP funds. What do I do now?

COVID-19 Solar Town Hall #5
April 23, 2020

How to thrive in tough times, an audacious goal to train millions of solar workers, and a look at future opportunities

COVID-19 Solar Town Hall #4
April 15, 2020

Solar financing, jobs, the US economy, and the future of renewables

COVID-19 Solar Town Hall #3
April 08, 2020

How to sell and conduct site assessments, virtually

COVID-19 Solar Town Hall #2
April 03, 2020

A global perspective, SEIA on permitting, contractor messages from on the ground, and more