Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar Tech Talk Bonus Episode: Solar Pride Month 2021!

June 01, 2021
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It’s Pride Month! And in this special episode of Solar Tech Talk, our two favorite solar nerds geek out on something different: LGBTQ+ representation in the solar industry.  

Joining the show is Becky Long, Senior Program Manager in Technical Services at Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). The trio of seasoned solar professionals discuss what it’s like working as LGBTQ+ members in our industry, share some important upcoming SEIA-sponsored events, and suggest how members of the LGBTQ+ community can get involved in building a strong and inclusive solar + storage industry — including an upcoming mixer at SPI 2021.  

Whether you’re an ally or advocate, if you’d like to learn more about connecting with other folks in the clean energy and the LGBTQ+ community, please visit And check out the message from SEIA in commemoration of this welcoming mission!  

“In celebration of Pride Month, SEIA is providing an opportunity for the LGBTQ+ community to connect.  

SEIA envisions a solar and clean energy industry that is welcoming and inclusive. We organized the industry’s first LGBTQ+ reception at Solar Power International/North America Smart Energy Week 2019 with over 100 attendees. Based on the feedback we received during and after that event from members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies working in clean energy, it became clear that the community would like an opportunity to continue these important conversations.  

We invite clean energy industry professionals in the LGBTQ+ community and our allies to join us as we think through ways to connect and support each other. All are welcome to participate in this community, regardless of their SEIA membership status.”

For questions or to get involved, please reach out to Becky Long, Senior Program Manager at

Kate Collardson has worked in the solar industry since 2006 as an installer, designer, project manager, trainer, and program manager; she is currently a Product Manager for BayWa r.e. Solar Systems.

Aaron Bingham has worked in the solar industry since 2008 as a Senior Engineer and Program Coordinator.  He has been a Product Manager with BayWa r.e. Solar Systems since 2017.

BayWa r.e. Solar Systems LLC supplies residential and commercial solar installers in the United States with quality components, supply chain forecasting, business planning advice, and a community of experts. Learn more at, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, subscribe to our podcasts and YouTube, and ask us about our industry-leading Webstore. Part of the BayWa r.e. global family of renewable energy companies.

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