Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar r.e.view Podcast

Coronavirus, Disruptors and Solar Resilience – The Podcast

March 04, 2020
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, & Android.

Today we’re talking about disruptors, and especially the coronavirus, which is, of course, on the top of everyone’s mind.

Last week we saw multiple days of precipitous market drops — some of the largest since 2008 — but here we are on Monday, March 2nd, and the markets are making a rebound, and central banks are saying they will help counter some of the impacts of the coronavirus.

All that to say, there are just too many variables to make informed predictions on what the impacts of the coronavirus will be on the solar industry.

But there are things we can talk about in terms of how to prepare your business for uncertain times.

And here to join in the conversation we have BayWa r.e. Chief Commerical Officer Daniel Mario and VP of Operations David Dunlap.

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