Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar r.e.view Podcast

What’s Inside the Mind of the Solar Consumer – Follow-up

November 10, 2020

Following a well-attended town hall on the Mind of the Solar Consumer, Tom Miller sat down with two of our town hall guests to dig into more audience questions and try to get to the root of the question: What’s Inside the Mind of the Solar Consumer?

Joining the podcast are Kelsey Ruger, the Vice President of Product at Hello Alice, and Scott Nguyen, CEO of 17TeraWatts. 


Solar Town Hall – October 21: Inside the Mind of the Solar Consumer

Do solar customers truly make rational decisions? Let’s explore the behaviors, emotions, and values that truly drive homeowners to commit to solar — and to their installer!

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The post What’s Inside the Mind of the Solar Consumer – Follow-up appeared first on BayWa r.e. Solar Systems.