Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar r.e.view Podcast

Town Hall: A Solar Shift? Mental Models for the New Normal

June 18, 2020

At our June 3 conversation, we discussed the ideas for adapting to a “low-touch” sales environment. For our June 17 Solar Town Hall, we took the conversation to a higher level: is there an opportunity to rethink business as usual in the solar industry? Are there fundamental shifts we can identify and embrace to survive, thrive, and meet this transformative moment?

Our expert roundtable boasted yet another stellar lineup. Ned Calder (Partner, Innosight) explained how industries that struggle with change tend be ones that hold on to rules and assumptions. “What’s the biggest and most unmet problem we can go after?” asked Calder. Martha Amram (CEO, GLYNT.AI) emphasized that given our current economy, companies have to assure consumers that what they’re buying is “is exactly what you’re going to get” — to which Joe Marhamati (CFO/VP/Co-Founder, Ipsun) and Scott Nguyen (CEO, 17TeraWatts) suggested that software solutions could help break this frontier of customer satisfaction.

The conversation also touched on the fact that as our industry reaches more mainstream consumers, contractors need to embrace their role as educators and guides. “People’s relationship with energy is not really with energy itself, but what it makes possible,” reminded Nguyen. Therein lies the opportunity for solar contractors to choose whether and how to innovate. As Vikram Aggarwal (CEO, EnergySage) says to his teams: “disruptions are fine, because we would rather disrupt our own company than have someone else disrupt us.” And our panelists concluded by giving insightful takeaways on banding together to create a long-term vision for our industry — and truly break open the solar market in the United States!

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Every other week, CEO Boaz Soifer, solar contractors, and industry leaders come together to discuss the best way to approach the COVID-19 challenges ahead.

Join the next discussion on Wednesday, July 1 at 9 am PT.

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Missed one of our events? Access all of our COVID-19 expert roundtables in our Solar Town Hall archives, featuring topics from PPP loan forgiveness to remote sales and virtual site assessments. 

BayWa r.e. Solar Systems LLC supplies solar installers in the United States with best-in-class components, business planning advice, and a community of experts. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, subscribe to our podcasts and YouTube, and bookmark our daily updated COVID-19 resource page. Part of the BayWa r.e. global family of renewable energy companies. 

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