Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar r.e.view Podcast

Solar Town Hall: Closing Sales In a “Low Touch” World

June 04, 2020

Every other week, CEO Boaz Soifer, solar contractors, and industry leaders come together to discuss the best way to approach the COVID-19 challenges ahead.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for solar to adapt to a “low-touch” sales environment. For our June 3 Solar Town Hall, we hosted a vibrant conversation with fellow contractors and other expert panelists on the best way forward.  

 CEO Martha Amram of data analytics firm GLYNT.AI provided an overview of the pandemic economic impact on consumer attitudes. President Trevor Sumner of Sun Badger Solar discussed the importance of having a “solar success manager” and revisiting old leads. CEO Peter Troast of Energy Circle, a digital marketing firm, explained changes in consumer web search and profiles. Instructional designer Michelle Spina listed important tips to help sales teams put their best face forward when making sales via video calls, in terms of both technical logistics and pitch script. And our own CEO Boaz Soifer reflected on the notion that “culture is a litmus test for integrity” — companies close deals and get good reviews because of a unified mindset, from sales team to install crew. 

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Missed one of our events? Access all of our COVID-19 expert roundtables in our Solar Town Hall archives, featuring topics from PPP loan forgiveness to remote sales and virtual site assessments. 

BayWa r.e. Solar Systems LLC supplies solar installers in the United States with best-in-class components, business planning advice, and a community of experts. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, subscribe to our podcasts and YouTube, and bookmark our daily updated COVID-19 resource page. Part of the BayWa r.e. global family of renewable energy companies. 

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