So´ Karis Changemakers: The Podcast

So´ Karis Changemakers: The Podcast

So´ Karis Changemakers: Episode 7

December 09, 2017

Wait, what?!? Last episode of 2017??

Yup friend. We are going out with a bang with the and Social Change U Matter Winter Drive and One Heart One Soul! Can't think of a better way to end this year than how we started ChangeMakers over here... With Mireya Fouche and One Heart One Soul.

The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless reports 1,701 emergency shelter beds available, compared to 2,064 beds in 2013. The number of people impacted by homelessness has not decreased, only the services. In addition, 45 percent of youth seeking shelter from state-funded programs are turned away due to lack of resources (Chicago Coalition for the Homeless). Our focus is to meet and serve these individuals seeking emergency.

OHOS has partnered with Social Change for the 7th year to help bridge the gap to our homeless brothers and sisters in Chicago, LA and for the first year in New York City. Since 2011 One Heart One Soul has dedicated winter seasons to partnering with dozens of businesses and communities in collecting winter items with a focus on socks and winter apparel. At the end of each collection period volunteers travel across the city to distribute items to those waiting for emergency shelters, those who have been turned away from shelters and/or those who sleep outdoors for fear of approaching shelters. In 2016 this allowed us to reach over 400 individuals in one night alone.

This year the goal is serving 700 of our homeless brothers and sisters. You can connect below to find out where and how you can serve and be a part of good change.

We are all ChangeMakers


kj ♥

Connect with OneHeartOneSoul on     Instagram @WeAreOHOS;   Twitter @WeAreOHOS and  Facebook@WeAreOHOS

Connect with Social Change on     Instagram @ChiSocialChange;   Twitter @ChiSocialChange and  Facebook@ChiSocialChange