Podcast – Somente o Indispensável

Podcast – Somente o Indispensável

SOI 018: Focusing On Being An Entrepreneur, And Not A Blogger, Can Make You Money

January 23, 2014

In this episode of the Shade Of Info Podcast, I talk about the importance of actually being an entrepreneur and not being a blogger. Too many bloggers never achieve the true success they desire because they're focused on blogging to make money. The truth is, their true focus should be on running and operating an online business - through their blog.

It's perfectly fine to blog, but what happens when your blog actually takes off? Will you still be treating everything like a blog? Will you not pay attention to building your customer list and what products and services they're interested in? Will you not pay attention to any expenses you may incur? Or will you just be focused on the money you made from blogging that you don't even bother to look at your finances?
