Social Solutions

Social Solutions

Metaphor for Crap or Good Clean Results?

June 07, 2017

Who could have imagined that the premier introduction at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference this year would be a third-to-market (instead of first-to-market) version of Amazon Echo and Google Home. And may we present the Apple HomePod? Once you get past the fact that it looks like a roll of toilet paper, you will appreciate that this little device takes the voice-activated home speaker assistant market to a whole new level. When it hits the market, it will clearly leapfrog over the other competitors...both in price and features.

Today’s Social Solutions Show goes way beyond Apple. Facebook introduced a nifty new tool tailor made for events with Event Frames. And they amped up the value of Facebook Live Videos by adding the option for closed captioning – not just for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Check out the progress Periscope is making by connecting with Facebook and Google. What? Not just Twitter…smart move! And speaking of video, Animoto just published their 2017 State of Social Video Survey of Consumers and Marketers. Hint: consumers love video and marketers are dead in the water without effective use.