Social Solutions

Latest Episodes
The Ghosts of Halloween Are Predicting a New Echo
As you know by now, this is the last Social Solutions Show for a while so it is important that we go out with a bang. But since Halloween is only a few days away, we are using that holiday to talk about the creep factor going on and coming soon to your...
Move Over LinkedIn – Facebook Is-a-Comin’
Facebook introduced Job Listings and now they are testing the ability to upload your resume. If these features sound familiar, then you probably already know this is what LinkedIn has been doing for years but with a larger audience could this be the be...
When Does 140 Equal 280?
When Twitter is ready. That’s the simple answer. So what does it mean to marketers and business owners when we will have the ability to double our tweets? Hopefully very little. The 140 character tweet that we have grown to love works.
To Like or Dislike – That is the Question
Well it has been a long time coming, but finally Facebook is introducing a “Dislike” button. Why you ask? Because users have been requesting it over and over – but why now and what will it mean? For personal posts,
The New Facebook of Disaster Control Communication
No, that is not a type. Facebook has introduced a single destination where users can access all of its tools geared toward responding to crisis. It should be no surprise that individuals and businesses alike have been turning to Facebook for a long ti...
FTC is Watching Influencer Endorsements
Hurricane Irma like Harvey is now in the history books, but the devastation both storms left behind with take years of recovery. During times like this marketing sensitivity is essential for businesses to maintain their credibility and loyalty from the...
Who is Watching You on LinkedIn?
Did you know that your presence on LinkedIn is now visible when you are on online? We didn’t think so. The latest innovation from LinkedIn may or may not be welcome news. We’re all used to having our online presence visible on Facebook,
Using Social Media During Natural Disasters
This has been a devastating week for nearly 13 million people from Texas and Lousiana. They need our support, our prayers and our help. But not everyone can drop everything and go there to assist. So what can you do and what should you do to use your i...
How will your business drive new revenues with self-driving cars?
This fall, at Stanford CSP, Sudha will be teaching the first-ever course on the business of self-driving cars to help entrepreneurs and innovators to “find the gaps” so they can drive (pun intended) the next generation of innovative businesses.
Will Facebook Put You in the Sandbox?
Just when you thought Google was the biggest threat to your business, you find out Facebook is an even bigger threat. Starting immediately, if your website is not mobile responsive, then Facebook will no longer show your posts in news media feeds.