

Latest Episodes

99. 2020 highlights: US imperialism in decline
January 02, 2021

The crisis-ridden US has two options: socialism o…

98. 2020 highlights: Trotsky's revolutionary ideas
December 26, 2020

80 years on from Trotsky’s assassination: can the…

97. Chartism
December 18, 2020

How did Britain's working class fight to overthro…

96. Engels’ Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
December 11, 2020

What are the roots of women’s oppression? Thousa…

95. Engels' Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (re-run)
December 04, 2020

How did Engels explain the scientific approach to…

94. Engels on The Housing Question
November 27, 2020

What did Engels have to say about the housing cri…

93. Engels' Condition of the Working Class in England
November 19, 2020

What can the horrors of industrialisation teach s…

92. The revolutionary life of Friedrich Engels
November 13, 2020

Who was Friedrich Engels and what were his ideas?…

91. Universities in crisis
November 06, 2020

How can students fight back against rip-off Covid…

90. Uprising in Nigeria
October 30, 2020

What next for the uprising in Nigeria? Millions …