104. School workers need a fighting union
How can the National Education Union win for school workers?
During the pandemic, educators and support staff have been on the front line of the Tories’ war for private wealth over public health. Schools became key breeding grounds for Covid-19.
Then, in January, the NEU forced a humiliating government U-turn on school reopening. What are the lessons from that victory, and what are the next steps to achieve safety?
How can teachers reduce their staggering workload? Is there an alternative to Britain’s ‘exam factory’ education system? What is the way to reverse devastating cuts and privatisation?
Socialist Party member Martin Powell-Davies is standing for deputy general secretary of the NEU. Socialist Party members and other fighters are standing for the union’s ruling national executive committee too.
How can school workers achieve a genuinely democratic union, where they are listened to, not talked at? And who stands for the serious strategy of industrial action necessary to change good union policies into real wins for members?
This episode of Socialism looks at the National Education Union elections: school workers need a fighting union.
Further reading
Martin Powell-Davies for NEU deputy general secretary:
Socialist Party in Education:
Martin Powell-Davies for NEU DGS: "We need to use our collective strength":
The NEU's 'big announcement' - lessons need to be learned:
Schools: 'We have to fight for everything':
Workers' action wins Tory U-turn on school safety: