

93. Engels' Condition of the Working Class in England

November 19, 2020

What can the horrors of industrialisation teach socialists today?

175 years ago, Britain was the most advanced capitalist country on the planet. Leaps forward in industry created huge productive power and riches for the capitalists.

Radicals looked to Britain as a way forward for society following revolutionary movements against the old feudal rulers in Europe. But despite massive economic progress, which lays the basis for socialism, capitalism came with terrible new social miseries.

What was life like for the working class in 1845? Is there any real comparison with life in the 21st century? And what did it tell Engels about who should run society?

This episode of Socialism, part of a short series on Engels, looks at his first major work: The Condition of the Working Class in England.

Further reading

Socialism 2020: four days of open, online discussion and debate, 20-23 November:

The Condition of the Working Class in England (Engels):