Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Latest Episodes

Era of Your Customer: Who’s Minding Their Journey and Experience?
February 16, 2021

The buzz: “Great customer experience is a major competitive advantage that drives new sales—and it’s predicted to overtake price and product as the primary brand differentiator for B2B sales by 2020… 33% of customers will consider switching brands after j

Storytelling for Marketing & Sales Success: Fact or Fiction
January 19, 2021

The buzz: “Today, data is hidden all around us, and this begs the question: Is storytelling still important during a time when analytics reign supreme? Great analytics inform your storytelling; they point it in the right direction.

Encore: Rise of the Machines: How AI Is Disrupting Marketing
January 05, 2021

The buzz: “Artificial intelligence is making waves…When marketers use AI with marketing automation, they create a superpower…drawing on everything they know about their consumers to tailor experiences with speed and precision…on a massive scale.” [blog.

Rise of the Machines: How AI Is Disrupting Marketing
December 15, 2020

The buzz: “Artificial intelligence is making waves…When marketers use AI with marketing automation, they create a superpower…drawing on everything they know about their consumers to tailor experiences with speed and precision…on a massive scale.” [blog.

Rise of the Machines: How AI Is Disrupting Marketing
December 15, 2020

The buzz: “Artificial intelligence is making waves…When marketers use AI with marketing automation, they create a superpower…drawing on everything they know about their consumers to tailor experiences with speed and precision…on a massive scale.” [blog.

Accelerating Account-Based Marketing: Integrate Digital Selling
November 17, 2020

The buzz: “B2B sellers have tremendous success when integrating social into their process…Modern buyers are digital-first buyers…B2B social sellers outperform peers who don’t use social by 72%.” go.forrester.

Can We Leverage Digital Sales Automation in B2B Sales?
October 20, 2020

The buzz: “Sales representatives spend less than a third of their working time actually selling…bogged down by administrative and other ‘non-sales’ tasks.” (HubSpot, business2community.

Lazy Leaders Use Scripts: Strategies to Better Sales Enablement
September 22, 2020

The buzz: “When I got started in sales, I would create scripts based on what I heard from the best sales reps around me…but… every sales rep I tried to copy was doing something different…I couldn’t close a deal for the first 18 months…then something click

Sales in a Digital Age: Sell More by Understanding Digital Marketing
August 25, 2020

The buzz: Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the Internet.” (www.c-tel.

Secrets to Great Content Curation & Creation for Digital Selling: How and Why
July 28, 2020

The buzz: “Digital Selling makes so much sense and seems so easy. Just find useful content, add valuable personal insights, and share it with the right people to build relationships. But creating a repeatable Digital Selling strategy requires more.
