The Pubcast with Jon Loomer

The Pubcast with Jon Loomer

Latest Episodes

Do Not Ignore Meta's Twitter Competitor
May 23, 2023

It would be foolish to ignore Barcelona, Meta's Twitter competitor which is due to drop in June. While Meta doesn't have the best track record with copying competitors, this could be different...

Embrace 'It Depends'
May 18, 2023

If you're a Facebook advertiser, understand the nuance. There are so many factors that determine whether or not your ads are successful, and many of these factors are outside of your control. It's oka

5 Reasons for a Drop in Meta Ad Prices
May 16, 2023

Meta announced that the average ad price dropped for the fifth straight quarter, year-over-year. How is that possible? Here are five potential explanations...

Guaranteed Hack for Facebook Ads Success
May 11, 2023

It doesn't matter what your budget, industry, or product. This approach will work... Right??

The Impact of Reels on Instagram Growth
May 09, 2023

I started my short-form video journey on October 1, 2022. Prior to that point, I mostly used Instagram as an ad placement. From that point forward, I've published more than 250 videos to Instagram Ree

What Happens When You Publish to YouTube Shorts Every Day
May 04, 2023

I've had a YouTube channel since 2012, but I've been very inconsistent with it. While I recently surpassed 15,00 subscribers, much of that came during the first few years. Very little happened on my c

Should You Be Everywhere?
May 02, 2023

For the longest time, I would have agreed that it's a bad idea to try to be everywhere, and that you should focus on one or two platforms. That feeling changed with short-form video. Here's why...

How to Increase Your Facebook Ads Budget Slowly and Safely
April 27, 2023

You're bound to find yourself in a situation where you want to increase your budget. Unfortunately, it's entirely unclear how much you can increase it without ruining your results -- and Facebook's gu

You're Looking at Your Facebook Ads Budget All Wrong
April 25, 2023

You start testing at a low budget. You get great results. Then you want to increase your budget, but you're afraid to make any changes that would restart the learning phase and impact those results. M

How ChatGPT Sent Me Business
April 20, 2023

A really interesting thing happened recently. Someone who had never heard of me before, typed in a prompt to get a recommendation from ChatGPT for courses and resources to learn more about Facebook ad