The Pubcast with Jon Loomer

The Pubcast with Jon Loomer

Latest Episodes

Meta Is So Bad at Naming Stuff
June 27, 2023

Is it possible that Meta gave two different products nearly exactly the same name? It sure appears so. And what's the deal with naming everything Advantage and Advantage+? And what does that + even me

Update Your Assumptions
June 22, 2023

Over time, we tend to get stuck in our ways. We learn from what works and what doesn't work for us, and this results in strong opinions and rigid processes. This can be dangerous.

Stop Blaming the System
June 20, 2023

Stop blaming the system when your ads aren't working. Don't tell me that Facebook ads don't work. They don't work for you. The way that you're using them. But, they could work for you!

The Most Important Skill of an Advertiser
June 15, 2023

If you're a Facebook advertiser, I encourage you to be curious. Don't worry so much about what others are doing. Instead of asking whether you should do something, try it. Experiment!

The Metrics You Should Care About
June 13, 2023

Meta gives you a whole bunch of metrics to distract you with. Be careful. Ultimately, there are only a couple of metrics you should truly care about. Everything else is merely secondary or tertiary.

Keep it Simple with Facebook Ads
June 08, 2023

We often overthink things with Facebook ads. Whether it's the optimization, targeting, placements, number of ads, or number of ads. While there are exceptions, less is almost always more.

Understand How the Algorithm Works
June 06, 2023

This isn't about exploiting the ads algorithm or understanding how to create ads it prefers. It's knowing that it's powerful, literal, and not perfect. Know how it works and why. And know how that can

Be Ethical to a Fault
June 01, 2023

Being ethical should be a habit. The risk otherwise to your business is too great. Know the rules inside and out and do all you can to follow them. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Links Are Down on Facebook, But Does It Matter?
May 30, 2023

In a recent report, Meta reported that the percentage of views that included links is down to 7.7%, which is nearly cut in half since the third quarter of 2021. What might explain this? And does it re

How are Meta's Changes to Aggregated Event Measurement Possible?
May 25, 2023

Meta recently announced huge changes to Aggregated Event Measurement, which is their protocol for handling opt-outs. It seems to be great for advertisers, at least in terms of making it easier. But I