Sober in the Sunshine

Sober in the Sunshine

Latest Episodes

09: Molly's story
November 09, 2018

You don't have to hit rock bottom to quit drinking

08: Renee's story
October 25, 2018

07: Lessons from early sobriety
October 18, 2018

alternatively titled: My Favorite Murder and Candy Crush kept me sober

06: Carol's story
October 12, 2018

Carol shares what it was like to lose her dad and booze at the same time, and how she learned to have fun again

05: Checking in!
September 11, 2018

04: Jeff's story
August 18, 2018

03: Kirsten's story
August 18, 2018

02: Kerry's story
August 18, 2018

01: Jessica's story
July 31, 2018

what's this all about, anyway?
