So you’re going to die.

So you’re going to die.

Latest Episodes

Ep.26 I Didn’t Die.
February 11, 2024

Lets be alive.--- Support this podcast:

Ep.25 One Armed Pizza.
January 17, 2024

Its all going to be okay.--- Support this podcast:

Ep.24 Holidayish?
December 19, 2023

Love and Tolerance People!--- Support this podcast:

Ep.23 E Bikes are not for Idiots or maybe it’s God’s Will!
November 21, 2023

Dont brake your arm.--- Support this podcast:

Ep.22 It’s a hot time in the old town tonight.
July 26, 2023

Been in the ER for some fevers and I own The Little Brown Jug an amends. --- Support this podcast:

Ep.21. Nature heals but pick up your trash.
July 07, 2023

Just because its there doesnt mean you have to climb it. --- Support this podcast:

Ep.20. 28 years later.
July 06, 2023

Just a normal day with bone cancer. --- Support this podcast:

Ep.19. The Yzerman! No it’s really about Pop.
July 04, 2023

The simple act of kindness.--- Support this podcast:

Ep.18. Thanks for touching my life.
July 02, 2023

An easy Sunday with reminders from others to remind me of others still who changed my life.--- Support this podcast:

Ep.17. Sweet Sweet Cancer Money.
July 01, 2023

Why would anyone want to live off disability, when its just above poverty level?--- Support this podcast: