Sneaky Dragon
Sneaky Dragon Episode 420
Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Episode 420 of Sneaky Dragon. It’s a significant number, but I’m not sure why. I am kind of hungry though.
This week on the show: blaze it: we can’t stop talking; Dave’s favourite pizza; old-timey; Christmas tree shortage; decorating; 2008 trivia; weird Christmas movie; A Christmas Carol; overblown traditions; baby Santa Baby; creepy Christmas Carol; sensible Dickens novels; horse antics; powerful crotch; lepers; comedy; throw mediocrity out; a package from Australia; taste-testing; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; Whamaggedon; ghoulish Beatles songs; cooking Turkey opinions; family Christmas; and, finally, chewing.
Question of the Week: How do you do your turkey? Fixings, etc. And if you don’t do turkey, what do you do? Sub-question: Fill in the blank: All I want for Christmas is __.
Department of Corections:
Dave was incorrect in his naming of the children huddled under The Ghost of Christmas Present’s robe. They were Want and Ignorance, not Want and Hunger (which is a little redundant).
Thanks for listening.
Here is the animated Christmas Carol that gave young Ian the willies: