Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 207

November 21, 2015

Guten Abend, meine Sneakers! Yet's Sneaky Dragon! This week Ian and Dave tackle the tough topics like Ian's electricity-based super powers; the hilarity of codeine addiction; making a wreck of Trainwreck; Ian's boosterism of... [I wrote down DPH in my notes, but I can't remember what that means - you'll just have to listen]; we like Aziz Ansari's Master of None on Netflix; film snobs versus film fans; Dave wonders why Ian made him see Alien 3 after Ian had already watched it; the video of Kingsgate Mall from the James Bond show has taken on a life of its own; Ian isn't down with David Blaine; he doesn't think much of pranks either; Dave resists clichés, but seems to enjoy guys crossing the road with glass; and, finally, Ian avoids talking about Netflix's new show Alternately Catherine Zeta Jones.