Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 168

February 21, 2015

G’day, Sneakeroos! This week on Sneaky Dragon you can learn Dave’s mnemonic device for remembering his name; possibly true facts about Smokey the Bear; how Dave blew it; Ian’s guide to inhuman human interactions; Ian and Dave’s feelings about the anti-vaccine movement; a terrible, horrible medical experiment that Dave had never heard of; Ian’s thoughts about Eddie Murphy on SNL’s 40th Anniversary Special; how much Dave and Ian appreciate Stan Freberg and crazy Muppet commercials; Ian’s Columbo watching system; how much Dave likes Emergency! – again; about Goofy’s job as an actor in Disney’s cartoons; how Ian really feels about paying twelve grand to learn to be funny; and, finally, Dave’s two most important skills he can bring to job hunting.

Thanks for listening.