Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

PodMash! 01 - Dazed and Convicted; Science Us; Sneaky Dragon

January 09, 2015

Hello, Sneakers! We know you’re eagerly waiting for the latest Sneaky Dragon, but while you wait for Dave to get off his ass, here is a little bonus for you: our first episode of PodMash! The brainchild of Ian, PodMash! takes three different podcasts and mashes them together into one show. Everyone was given the same subject to talk about, but everyone got to choose how they approached it. For our first episode we were joined by Monica Hamburg and Bill Allman from Dazed and Convicted and Ivan Decker and Peter Carlone from Science Us.

It was a lot of fun doing the show. Thanks to Dazed and Convicted and Science Us for coming onto PodMash! Thanks to Skinny Fat Jack’s for having us! And thanks to you, our wonderful listeners, for coming out and supporting the show!
