Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 154

November 15, 2014

Hello Sneakers! Welcome to the special election coverage episode of Sneaky Dragon! Ian and Dave talk a little bit about the local civic elections; look at Canada’s “no-go” political zones; and Dave really has it in for idealogues. Also discussed: there is too much Dave on the show; Dave dislikes the card game Apples to Apples (the poor loser); Ian and Dave discuss the weirdness that is Stuart Little and Charlotte’s Web; Ian is mad at Charmin Bears; Dave had a dishwasher incident; Ian had a washing machine incident; they talk about Remembrance Day worries as the recent events in Ottawa has made a lot of people just a little paranoid; Ian and Dave finally talk about what everyone has been waiting for: Gian Gomeshi; and, last but not least, Dave has a bon mot to pick with America

Dept. Of Corections: No one was more embarrassed than Dave when he realized he talked about a 1981 BBC version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. He actually watched the 1981 BBC version of Day of the Triffids! (Thanks for the recommendation, Gavin.)

Thanks for listening.