Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 153
With Gavin Pitts. This week Ian and Dave are joined by gentleman caller Gavin Pitts who is visiting from Australia to experience a North American Halloween and visit some of his favourite podcasts, including Sneaky Dragon! Things discussed: Ian asks exactly where is Perth; Gavin and Dave discuss Teen Wolf; Gavin gives us a quick guide to gay characters on fantasy TV; Halloween in Australia; more about haunted houses; Ian and Gavin discuss video games – Dave is in the dark; scary films are discussed: Gavin’s favourite film A Nightmare on Elm Street comes up; Ian has some questions about Freddie’s Nightmare; Gavin makes an emotional defence of John Carpenter’s The Fog; Ian is still mad at the Star Wars films; let’s belabour It one last time (so Dave can get his kicks in on Stephen King); and, finally, some advice from Gavin to improve Vancouver.
We still have two listeners who haven’t sent us their address for free goodies. Please send us your address! We will only sell your address to companies who we think will interest you. Honest! (You need insurance for seniors, right?)