Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 128

May 17, 2014

Hola, Sneakers! Buenas dias or buenos noches. Ian is away in Barcelona this week so the boys did a marathon recording session and things got a little giddy. After a shaky start, things get real with some talk of the waking/dreaming state; that weird mind trick when you mix up dream reality with potentially actual reality; Ian mourns his lost chutzpah; he describes his dread of meeting people and thinks parties are terrible; also, his self image is TERRIBLE! What I’m saying is: Ian is even more neurotic than Dave. They also discuss one of Dave’s favourite things: the TV show Emergency!; holding a Kevin Tighe film festival; the boring film Finnegan’s Chin makes another appearance; Ian and Dave discuss creative space and Dave gets too precious for Ian; their parents made them wear terrible shirts; and, finally, Ian ends the show on an up note.

Don’t forget! Ian and Dave will be at VanCAF on Saturday and Sunday, May 24 and 25. Come on down! We’d be happy to see you there and it’s free to get in. Also, speaking of free, Ian and Dave will be recording a live episode of Sneaky Dragon. Here’s your chance to attend a Sneaky Dragon show and it will cost you nothing!


Finally, here’s a picture of Dave’s shirt that his parents thought he’d actually walk around in as a twelve year-old. Didn’t happen.

Thanks for listening!