Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 114

February 08, 2014

Welcome back to Sneaky Dragon, all you Sneakers! This week’s show is as serious as a heart attack! Ian and Dave ask, “What is Q*bris?”; Dave thinks Q*Bert needs more horns; Ian celebrates the coldest day in the history of Vancouver (what he means is “not that cold”); we learn about Dave’s disappointed dishwashers; also, Dave is a terrible dog-owner and a jerk; CHOPSTICKS!; Ian talks about his furtive cat; and Dave’s dad is very ill. Also, awkward medical fun with your father-in-law; thug-life doctors; Ian wants to know and Dave is happy living in ignorance; Ian asks are there other dragons in Middle Earth; JK Rowling ruins her own books; and Ian asks who is braver: Ron or Harry? “What about Hermione?” asks everyone else.

Thanks for listening.