Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 684

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Sneaky Dragon – the internet’s favourite whipping cream!
This week: welcome back; holidaze; medal of nerd-dom; almost five; Emmy envy; Tomine cooks; scam comics; don’t stop motion believin’; it stinks; fowl call; Aardmania; whack job; juke joint; Skelton crew; little orphan Ian; cold comfort; the name game; Jersey boys; cookaine cowboys; raisin children; sausage sauce; stage fright; card tricks; risky business; cheat sheets; comedy squared; team engine; tee-hee flies; ego monster; star passenger; Carvey on gang; Dave enjoys Becky; Eggers banquet; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; bathtub thumping; for the I sing; the man in the Iron-Man mask; deep in the hoar of Texas; no fun at Christmas; the gift of Bemidji; and, finally, hosting issues.
Question of the Week: Who is your favourite talk show host?
Sub-question of the Week: What is a memory you believe happened only to discover that it didn’t?
Thanks for listening.