Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 683

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to Sneaky Dragon! Where entertainment goes to hide!
This week: the invention of blong; choose your Tipple; film job; quiz-lings; Pluto-crazy; a river runs through it; generation aches; friend mixture; inexplicable movie tastes; Rush hour; the lovely Jones; the children’s crusade; my trump, you dummy; David’s thoughts on Midnight; de-coding; bathing beauty; testes cases; the rating game; the Jones boy; the villain’s turn; a friend of Dorothy; baby love; playing the Oz; peaceful breast; the Arthurian legend; let’s enjoy Adventure in Manhattan; twitterpated; owl service; cheesy; political hijinx; dog lovers; office shark; a true not-Canadian; from the prairies to the mountains; assorted -ettes; family time; Laurie driver; hipsters; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; a Dedrick dozen; “Hey-y-y…shut up”; Jaws harp; and, finally, low resolution.
Question of the Week: Did you get a fun gift over the holidays?
Sub-question of the Week: How do these long winter days make you feel?
Thanks for listening.
If you’d like to watch The Bear That Wasn’t…well, here’s your chance!