Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 667

September 14, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that always repeats itself!

This week: stare case; mash up crash up; business class; monster mass; car nation; going ape; incredible heroes; stream of shit; mortality tales; ad target; Madison avenue; multi-family dwellings; dead-tired dads; Haitian devours; limited edition; animal farm; fucking pandas; the name game; pussy power; the eternal meow; pushing our buttons; fair competition; accent grave; fringe benefits; cash problems; no paint, no gain; hair die; the blue baboon; the primate directive; psycho-animalysis; real genius; history mystery; the Nightmare Café nightmare; typecast; great work if you can get it; have you met my friend Harvey; living in nostalgia; this sporting life; the Village; reunited; high urners; fun bores; the eye-full towel; baby boom; dancing fuel; happy anniversary, baby; all ages entertainment; proud papa; vessel mania; moose slime; traitor tots; shape shifting; puzzling; range wars; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; caulk master; Georgia pitch; rental agreement; let them in; gremlin warning; take a joke; and, finally, it’s…

Question of the Week: What is something you discovered through your own detective work?
Sub-question of the Week: What was the last reunion you attended? Or does your school year no longer have the desire to have a reunion.

Thanks for listening.