Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 666

September 07, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that reveals itself!

This week: enter laughing; tree stories; Ian teaches us about English Teacher; garden plot; musical cheers; Peanuts dimension; dizzy for Melendez; jazz for kids; bad characters; representation comedy; Futurablah; past it; hot potato; under the skin; reading lisp; money, money, money; donate the great; Ian and Dave yap about Dog Day Afternoon; eye the jury; beat the Heat; nose job; former pole; out of Reacher; bored straight; Lumet list; movie snobs; marred by the mob; PS envy; state of Emergency; SCUBA do; Mantooth, Mantooth, and nothing but Mantooth; Hanks for the memories; better than it needs to be; fixer downers; Revelation revelations; Top 5 Songs of Revelation; straight to Hell; Questions of the Week – Sneakers respond; checker out; sit-com Superman; mourning zoo; do the math; early streamers, and, finally, all hail the end.

Top 5 Songs of Revelation

  1. Blind Willie Johnson – John the Revelator

  2. Spoon – The Beast and Dragon Adored

  3. Blondie – Rapture

  4. No Fun – Here Comes Jesus

  5. Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast

Question of the Week: What is something you’re proud of having fixed?
Sub-question of the Week: What is your favourite Satanic song?

Thanks for listening.