Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 663

August 17, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that will never embarrass you in front of your friends!

This week: paws that refreshes; middling strips; the family penis; what’s happening?!?; all-inclusive; silence is golden; filthy handles; trauma dept.; joke hold; contrarian brotherhood; woke up; culture club; boo’s music; big bands; splish splash; the power and the furry; Malcolm in the middle; dream scenario; CosMc’s debris; the brewed; take a flyer; in the city; walkabout; an innocent man; puppet love; Dave is cuckoo for Cuckoo; Shudder to think; Paramount bust; babbling about Brooks; foiled again; free-style in Paris; disappointed ghost; heaven sent; he interviewed well; love dissection; props for Proops; up for debates; dirty picture; pocket calculator; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; welcome to the Jumble; dear Aggie; whistle while you work; fan-tastic tip; context talk; brain sharpeners; the fitter truth; and, finally, a shrug a day.

Question of the Week: How is your life harder?
Sub-question of the Week: How is your life easier?
Sub-sub-question of the Week: What is your favourite Muppet thing?

Thanks for listening.

We mentioned it twice so that means we have to show the clip. Here is the trailer for the new Saturday Night Live movie: