Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 660

July 27, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that swims the internet!

This week: dueling intros; fobbed off; the key to happiness; sliding doors; creeky jokes; question time; class grad; senior moments; late puberty; podcast-offs; sitcom tutorials; R.I.P. Bob Newhart; botched premise; dangerous bookstore; showing our age; guessing game shows; low Valerie; botched premise part 2; haunting ourselves; shake your cootie; gamesmanship; card sharp; innocent men; vampire badger; healthy fast food; spoonful of sugar; no Coke, Pepsi; shark scale; TV rules; the underrated Robert McKimson; kanga rules; canal hopping; take the plunge; no slime; surprised skeleton; flukey; Messick again; bathtub thumper; voicelifting; Carolina on her mind; a brain divided; penny ante; Love love; and, finally, a disappointing Acolyte.

Question of the Week: Who’s your favourite animated side character?
Sub-question of the Week: What was your favourite boardgame?

Thanks for listening.

We’re just innocent men!