Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Refresh My Memory – Airplane!

July 24, 2024

No need to put this podcast on autopilot, Jason Dedrick, Eric Fell and Vicky Van are here to talk about 1980’s Airplane! Do they have opinions? You bet your Zucker brothers they do!

Along with a very small amount of airline peanuts, the hosts enjoy a Don’t Call me Shirley Temple. How is it different from an actual Shirley Temple? It never went on to be the Ambassador to Ghana.

But if you want to make a Shirley Temple drink, here’s how…

The gang also create their own tribute drink called The Smoking Ticket.

To make it…

  • Fill an ice-filled glass 3/4 of the way with cold brew coffee.

  • Top with milk – dairy or plant based.

  • Drizzle with vanilla syrup

The producer’s wife asked for more of this one, ideally in a Stanley Cup tumbler.

If you make The Smoking Ticket or make up one of your own, please send a picture to by following this link! Even if you don’t, we’d still love to hear from you. Also let us know what you think of the show and if you have any suggestions for future films.

Produced by Ian Boothby
Edited by Vicky Van
Theme song by Chris Roberts