Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Refresh My Memory – Something Wild

July 01, 2024

Enough with podcasts talking about something mild, it’s time to talk about Something Wild, the very-1986 film directed by Jonathan Demme before those lambs got so loud. (And, as a bonus, watching the movie will make a joke in Dumb And Dumber make sense.

A combination of Seagrams (or a reasonable facsimile) and Wild Cherry Life Savers is tried, and it goes over…not well.

They also come up with the tribute drink The Dine and Dash. Want to make it?

  • Take a shooter glass.

  • Add one half oz of Blue Curaçao

  • Add one half oz of Vanilla Liqueur

  • Add a hint of maraschino cherry liquid

The producer’s wife thought this tasted like vanilla Windex but liked the aftertaste which reminded her of Coca Cola gummies.

If you make The Dine and Dash or make up one of your own, please send a picture to by following this link! Even if you don’t, we’d still love to hear from you. Also let us know what you think of the show and if you have any suggestions for future films.

Produced by Ian Boothby
Edited by Vicky Van
Theme song by Chris Roberts
