Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Horse Mysteries Season 4 Episode 7

June 20, 2024

Hello, horse fans and hello, mystery fans, and hello, horse mystery fans!

On this week’s show, Lezah puts Dave on the spot in an episode we’re calling Ask Dave!

Lezah grills Dave on all things horsey in the Olympics: Is the rider just a passenger? When did the various equestrian disciplines become part of the Olympics? How has the equestrian competitions changed over the years? What rider and what country has won the most medals? And who can ride in the Olympics and what age do they have to be – both horse and rider.

How did Dave fare? Well, you’ll just have to listen.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s episode. Please comment about the show, and please like and subscribe on all your favourite podcast aggregators!

Music by Chris Roberts