Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Refresh My Memory – Road House

June 17, 2024

What do you get when you combine the fun of roads with the comfort of houses? Road House! No, not the current version, this one has your daily requirements of Patrick Swayze.

Let’s join Jason Dedrick, Eric Fell and Vicky Van for a throat rippingly fun time! Two of them are seeing it for the very first time, but don’t worry, they’re nice.

Until it’s time to not be nice.

They enjoy The Ultimate Bar Mix and a drink called The Dirty Dalton. Want to make it?

(Warning, some swearing in the drink prep video)

The gang also come up with their own tribute drink, the Throat Punch. How do you make it?

  • Take a glass and add…

  • 1 1/2 oz of bourbon

  • A splash of grenadine

  • Add Hi-C to taste

The producer’s wife said it tricks you into thinking it’s something nice, but then it turns into Buckley’s cough syrup. If you decide to drink a Colt 45 afterwards to get rid of the taste, that’d be fine.

If you make a Throat Punch or make up one of your own, please send a picture to by following this link! Even if you don’t, we’d still love to hear from you. Also let us know what you think of the show and if you have any suggestions for future films.

Produced by Ian Boothby
Edited by Vicky Van
Theme song by Chris Roberts