Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 653

June 08, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that minds its own business!

This week: know thyself; speedy services; authority lives here; this is a call; nun of us; the unfinished business ghost; everybody limbo; a real Hamfest; all’s Welles; the Pauline gospel; wango Tango’d; to the rear; possessed by The Exorcist; Kael vs. Allen; the ugly American movie; Satanic thrillers; bedevilled hams; Levinese; the 70’s were a dark time; how about “Night Flight”; off spin offs; time effects; trivializing American Graffiti; sizing up Fat Man and Little Boy; radioactive man; hobo hero; the reluctant Dragons; Horse cents; Shadow play; empowered puffs; Dave hits the Targets; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; call you by my name; exclusive offer; Oldman and the cinema; and, finally, a Dedrick sighting.

Question of the Week: Is there a review that you’ve read that made you say “What”?
Sub-question of the Week: Is there an actor that you admire who you think is underrated?

Thanks for listening.

Here is that Pauline Kael/Woody Allen interview for your edification:

Are you ready to race with the devil?