Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Refresh My Memory – Desperately Seeking Susan

June 03, 2024

The year is 1985 and this movie couldn’t be more 1985. Rosanna Arquette and Madonna joins forces as a bored housewife and a…Madonna type.

The National Film Registry says the movie is culturally, historically or aesthetically significant but who cares about them? Let’s see what Jason Dedrick, Eric Fell and Vicky Van think.

Along with the movie, your hosts enjoy a drink called the Madonna. How do you make it? Like this!

They also enjoy some party mix to go along with the party vibe.

Then they create a tribute drink to costume designer Santo Loquasto, the Desperately Seeking Santo. Want to make it? Here’s how:

  • Take 4 oz orange juice

  • Add 2 oz melon liqueur

  • Squeeze in some lime juice to taste

  • And put a lace bow on the glass

The producer’s wife thought this drink had really nice melon notes, not too sweet and very pleasant.

If you make a Desperately Seeking Santo or enjoy the Madonna or make up one of your own, please send a picture to by following this link! Even if you don’t, we’d still love to hear from you. Also let us know what you think of the show and if you have any suggestions for future films.

Refresh My Memory will be part of a live outdoor backyard show June 8th called Pod Mash, also featuring Horse Mysteries and Sneaky Dragon. If you’re in the Vancouver area and would like to attend, let us know at the above email address.

Produced by Ian Boothby
Edited by Vicky Van
Theme song by Chris Roberts