Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 652

June 01, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the podcast that really, really likes you!

This week: locked room mystery; rhubars; rhythm methodist; white collar crime and punishment; hands on investigation; river of shit; cuckoo for Columbo; spouse of life; across the border station; young at heart TV programming; name that cartoon; unprovoked walrus assault; future past; pains in a necktie; adult in origin; ice capades and crossed swords; vaults in Alberta; hippo critic; reference material; before the Fudd; Claghorn o’plenty; career killer; sofa so good; living in a box; fuzz down under; the bad humour man: play pool; get your giallos; it’s Challengers one, Dave love; Hitman was a hit with Dave; theatrical sabotage; winning friends; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; evangelical numbers game; McCartney hearings; park it; degraded; pi eyed; Gary meanderings; and, finally, kind of a drug.

Department of Joe E. Distinctions
Our apologies, but Dave conflated the comedic actor Joe E. Brown with the nightclub comedian Joe E. Lewis. It was Lewis who ran afoul of organized crime and had his throat cut for his pains.

Thanks for listening.