Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 651

May 26, 2024

Hola, Sneakers! Welcome to the internet’s favourite cause célèbre!

This week: joinery; bass notes; dirty clowns; vampire landlords; rental mouse; plane awful; authoritarian intent; Columbore; identical robots; Mexican kitsch; dead wives club; heard it on the Ted Levine; dog daze; keep it juicy; bastardized; eat the documentary; box of delights; a time to scold; titanic; Concrete claims; crossed streams; free the music; prose and yawns; a bit of Crumb; Harvey; where have all the weirdos gone; late nightlife; Northern lights; coke addled; furniture shock; prescriptions drag; boring stories; heartstopper; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; Ram jam; bananarama; love language; heart Felt; no hose; free draw; rabbiting on; odd celebration; PAM-boozled; to the Max; and, finally, down with the down.

Question of the Week: What would you call al child that is the result of a disinterested union of two persons?
Sub-question of the Week: What is your favourite casual exercise?

Thanks for listening.
