Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Refresh My Memory – The Matrix

April 01, 2024

It was 25 years ago today the Wachowskis taught Neo to play…

Join your hosts Jason Dedrick, Eric Fell and Vicky Van as they take the journey – some for very the first time – into the world of The Matrix.

The hosts enjoy The Matrix, a drink by Cocktail Chemistry.

The “steaks” are high (and dry) as they venture into the exciting world of jerky, again, some for the very first time.

They also made up their own drink based on the film called The Lady in the Red Dress.

Then then make a second drink called the same thing. Is it a sequel? A remake? A glitch?

Want to make the first one?

  • Take Pina Colada mix (Yes, you could make it from scratch but… we didn’t)

  • Blend with a cup of ice per serving.

  • Add 1 oz rum per serving.

  • Hide a cherry

The producer’s wife called it a sweet comfort, much like The Matrix.

Want to try the second one?

  • Pour a glass of Sprite.

  • Add 2 oz vodka

  • Add a frozen cube of grenadine.

The producer’s wife said this one was sexy and reminded her of Trinity in the real world

So make your choice.

If you make the The Lady in the Red Dress, or the The Lady in the Red Dress, or make up one of your own, please send a picture to by following this link! Even if you don’t, we’d still love to hear from you. Also let us know what you think of the show and if you have any suggestions for future films.

Produced by Ian Boothby
Edited by Vicky Van
Theme song by Chris Roberts