Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 621

October 28, 2023

Hola, Sneakers! It’s Episode 621 of the least most popular podcast on the internet!

This week Ian and David talk: old duffer brothers; essential logo; salad days; semi-mush; veggie tales; to hell with it; fishy food; lobster guide; band profiles; he lost control; Taylor’s version; nostalgic criticism; awkward conversation; rules of attractive; older sister act; we didn’t firestarter; the King of Misery; the pursuit of happiness; down in the grumps; Baldwin pines; comforting presence; peak period; character actor; tef-Lorne; the Carvey on gang; underdeveloped; the quiet man; girl powered; no direction; through the ages; family business; coffee clash; the filter of failure; grim endings; different Stiles of improv; talking Simpsons; the reluctant writer; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; a stolid Bond; the phantom movie, and, finally, scam bam thank you ma’am.

Question of the Week: What was the best costume that you saw this year?
Sub-question of the Week: Do you have any clothing that celebrates the past?

Thanks for listening.
