Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon

Sneaky Dragon Episode 614

September 09, 2023

Hola, Sneakers! It’s Episode 614 of the most polite, kindest and courteous podcast on the internet!

This week Ian and David talk: close to the edge; coke-dependants; what do women want from us; good times, ad times; sue runaround; between two Verns; sensible Captain; a spotless salesman; radioactive lions; bloody-minded; numbers game; a conspiracy of dunces; global domination; bicycle raider; they yam what they yam; I guess that’s why they call it the Blue Zone; the gene genie; hot yogurt; stabbing problems; dinner crime; double dressing; Redford’s own; devilled ham; Serling silver; Soviet inferno; Fallon-ious; hate night; routine comedy; in defense of robots; love Shaq; the suffering of the moderately tall; Bottoms is tops; Question of the Week – Sneakers respond; disco sucked; parental silence; formerly known; and, finally, unsueable.

Question of the Week: What was the best work environment you’ve ever had?
Sub-question of the Week: What is your “glimmer”?

Thanks for listening.