Sneaky Dragon

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Horse Mysteries Season 5 Episode 7
This week we take a little break from murder, mayhem and fatal illnesses to do our annual Ask Dave episode. This time Lezah asks Dave Are Horses Smart?
Sneaky Dragon Episode 688
This week David and Ian talk poor park planning, dinosaurs, saucer people, plot holes, cordial cherries, snack attacks, pod people, unappealing granola, offal, bread heads, and imaginary witchcraft.
Sneaky Dragon Episode 687
This week David and Ian talk Southern discomfort, cross references, cheese blocks, the Peanuts and Kane, nudie plays, hundreds of movies, totally tartar, XTC, and fluffing.
Horse Mysteries Season 5 Episode 6
For twenty years, an amazing player dominated the sport of polo, but he came, played hard, and disappeared before anyone could speak to him. This mystery lasted twenty years until the early '70s when
Refresh My Memory – Airport ’75
Please put your seat in the podcast position, were about to take off. If you look to your left, youll see our hosts, Jason Dedrick, Eric Fell and Vicky Van travelling all the way back to 1974 for Ai
Sneaky Dragon Episode 686
This week David and Ian talk Turkish, see delight, suffer little children, barf chocolate, go batty, become party people, get cancer bored, and do their level best.
Sneaky Dragon Episode 685
This week David and Ian talk no brainers, thought rods, cat power, boring movies, pop-up Poirot, shocking states, twists of fate, farewell, David Lynch, the love generation, and get bamboozled.
Horse Mysteries Season 5 Episode 5
On this week's episode, Lezah takes us back into the past for gruesome murder and forward into the present for amazing advancements in DNA evidence.
Sneaky Dragon Episode 684
This week David and Ian talk the holidaze, Almost Live lives, little orphan Ian, cold comfort, the name game, cheat sheets, star passengers, no fun at Christmas, and Eggers banquet.
Sneaky Dragon Episode 683
This week David and Ian talk the invention of blong, generation aches, inexplicable movie tastes, non-existent bears, de-coding, friends of Dorothy, the rating game, and twitterpation.