SML Planning Minute

SML Planning Minute


October 29, 2019


Episode 45 – Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 9 of 9. This is the last episode in our nine-part series. Many financial plans fail not because they were bad plans, but because people never committed to the last step of the process: implementation. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” So where do we start to prepare for planning and achieving our financial goals? Consider these seven steps.

More SML Planning Minute Podcast Episodes

Listen to Episode 37 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 1 - Develop an Overall Spending Plan

Listen to Episode 38 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 2 - Spending Goals

Listen to Episode 39 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 3 - Debt

Listen to Episode 40 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 4 - Protection

Listen to Episode 41 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 5 – Peace of Mind and Investing

Listen to Episode 42 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 6 – Tax Strategies

Listen to Episode 43 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 7 – Future Health Care

Listen to Episode 44 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 8 – Retirement

Listen to Episode 45 - Things to Consider When Building Your Financial Plan, Part 9 – Implementation
