Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

SDS 088: Jesse’s Ritalin Self-Experiment

August 07, 2015

Methylphenidate, which has featured a few times before on Smart Drug Smarts, makes a comeback in this week’s episode for a single-subject scientific experiment. Join Jesse as he lays out his design and preps himself for a self-experiment (with a little help from a friend). Along the way we talk to a few other prescription and non-prescription users of methylphenidate who present their experiences and help Jesse evaluate his own experiences. Does the experiment work? What are the results and observations? How well does Jesse ride a scooter fitted with jet engines? Tune in to find these answers and more.

Sleep - another familiar face in the world of cognitive enhancement also finds it’s way back in this episode and reinforces  its’ need to be part of every bio-hacker’s toolkit.