Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

SDS 082: Lion's Mane Mushroom

June 26, 2015

American mycologist Paul Stamets said, “Lion’s Mane is maybe our first smart mushroom.â€

Eric Cerecedes, another renowned expert in this field joins Jesse this week for a wildly interesting conversation about mushrooms. The star of the show is definitely Lion’s Mane mushroom, but their chat also hits interesting high points like the Circle of Life and The Gaia Theory to obstacles in research and funding mushroom studies in the west.

Also in this episode find out how scientists are using genetically modified transparent fish to find out more about motor neuron disease and an elaborate hoax that reinforces the idea that, healthy skepticism is always a good thing.