

(159*) Passive+active audio training in story (1)

April 30, 2020

Hi guys, couple days ago I had a new idea. Since I have been learning Arabic for 5 months ago now, I have something for you. I have written a simple story with sentences and questions that you might use when speaking, too. The story is about myself but, yet, gender neutre. So that you can listen and repeat it after me even if you are not a blond girl.  

At the end, I would like you to tell me what you think. I need your feedback. Should do more of those audios? Comment on in the episode transcript or on facebook page under the episode link. Pleeeease! 

What will you hear now? You will hear explanation of some words from the story. Then, you will hear the story itself. At first, I will read the whole story. And then, I will read it again and make pauses so that you can repeat after me if you want to. Are you ready? Let’s go to the story.

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