

(300 intermediate) Veronika: Nostalgic memories from Czech school

July 27, 2024
Veronika’s Czech School Memories

In this episode of the slowczech podcast, our tutor Veronika shares her nostalgic memories from her early school years in a Czech school. She speaks about her excitement about reading and the challenges of learning in a crowded classroom. Moreover, she also shares a bit about the Czech school system. By the way, if you want to enroll your children, watch the webinar organized by Brno Expat Center.

What will you learn?

This episode teaches you how to learn Czech. Additionally, it gives you a glimpse into the Czech education system and offers valuable insights and authentic language practice. Slowczech podcast is perfect for those wanting to learn Czech online with engaging content.

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Join slowczech Lab for More Insights into Czech school

Veronika’s journey through school continues in the member-only episode, where she shares stories about Czech school lunches and after-school care. The slowczech Lab offers exclusive content, including transcripts of both episodes, to help you improve your Czech language skills. By joining the Lab, you become part of a community focused on language, culture, and confidence.

Member-Only Episode Highlights 

In the second part, the member-only episode you will learn about:

  • Memories from school lunches in Czech schools
  • Experiences in after-school care (družina)
  • The atmosphere and routines of Czech school life

What About the Transcript?

The member-only part also includes detailed transcripts and vocabulary explanations to aid your learning. Join slowczech Lab to access these exclusive member-only stories, engage with the community, and boost your confidence in speaking Czech.

Ready to Listen?

Ready to listen to the first part about Czech school and memories? Let’s get started!

Ahoj, tady Veronika! Jestli sleduješ slowczech pravidelně, tak už mě určitě znáš. Možná už jsi slyšel/a nějakou minulou epizodu mého podcastu nebo jsme se možná viděli na slowczech akci Mluvím česky u piva. A jestli mě ještě neznáš, tak ti chci říct, že ve slowczech mám taky individuální a skupinové lekce. V lekcích často trénujeme reálné dialogy ze života v Česku a hodně se smějeme. Takže jestli chceš zažít pozitivní atmosféru, mluvit autentickou češtinou a mít po každé lekci spoustu energie, můžeš se přihlásit na lekce se mnou! 

Ale teď si pojď poslechnout, jaké jsou moje zážitky ze školních let.

[… The transcript continues in the slowczech Lab].

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The post (300 intermediate) Veronika: Nostalgic memories from Czech school appeared first on slowczech.