Slice of SciFi

Slice of SciFi

Horror Film Breakdown: Talk with Chris Vander Kaay

June 11, 2016

This week, Chris Vander Kaay drops by to talk about his latest reference guide, Horror Films by Subgenre: A Viewer's Guide. This is the latest book Chris co-authored this volume with wife Kathleen, and Chris talks about their love of cult sci-fi and horror and what drove them to write this reference and last year's guide, The Anatomy of Fear: Conversations with Cult Horror and Science-Fiction Film Creators

Chris goes deeper into the discussions that led to the distinct 75 categories they've broken down, and even some of the overlap and the grey areas where some films might be classified, why and how they chose the subgenres included, and also about what subgenres were left out of their lists and why.

Do you enjoy one subgenre of horror over others? Tell us! Leave a message at 602-635-6976, or send Summer an email with a comment you've recorded!   [Listen to the show...]